
With Halal Origins you’re only ever a few clicks away from your favourite, fresh succulent cuts of meat. Whether you want lamb, chicken or beef, you have a wide selection of marinated and dry options to choose from.

Check out our deli counter too. It’s packed with the finest quality foods. Our products are free from unnatural fillers, reconstructed or mechanically recovered meats to ensure you always receive the best of what’s available.

Never wait in line again. With Halal Origins, you place your order online and we ensure delivery to your door. Ordering your favourite Halal cuts has never been easier.


All of our meat can be traced directly to the Halal farm that produced and slaughtered it. All of the animals are fed organic foods and they are treated well to ensure that they have fulfilling lives before they reach maturity, which is when they are taken to slaughter.

We believe there is a direct link between how well an animal is treated in life and the quality of its meat, so we never compromise on animal welfare.

How fresh is my meat?

Halal Origins block purchases its produce as orders come in. This ensures that we only ever deliver the freshest cuts of meat. We never hold stock in anticipation of your order, so you will never receive a substandard product. Not even your local butcher can say that!

All of our meat will be delivered in cooled airtight bags, so there is never any risk of your meat spoiling during delivery.

What makes Halal Origins different?

Halal Origins is the only online supplier of organic halal produce. None of our products follow the conventional practices associated with modern farming. Our animals are not pumped with GMO foods, steroids, anti-biotics or left in cramped conditions. All of which are a substitute for a good quality diet and a healthy lifestyle.

In other words, we don’t take shortcuts because we value quality over quantity, and that’s how you know you will get the best quality product delivered straight to your door.

Our Hygiene Standards

All of our meat is handled with the utmost care. Our staff are well trained and quality control is managed throughout the supply chain. Our operating procedures conform with the standards overseen by the Health and Safety Executive, the Food Standards Agency, and the British Retail Consortium.

Your safety and comfort is of primary importance to us and we will never compromise our high standards.