Given the name of our website is Halal Origins, we thought we would start our blog page with some background information about Halal meat. We hope this will help you to appreciate why Halal food is so important, not only to Islamic people but to those who are friends with them (so, hopefully, everybody).

What is Halal meat?

In Islam, Halal means permissible or allowed. 

Halal meat relates to animals that have been prepared in accordance with Islamic law. This means that the animal must be slaughtered in a humane way while being subjected to an Islamic prayer called Bismillah. 

All of the animal’s blood must be drained from its body and must be free from any harmful chemicals or additives that are commonly found in other mass-produced meat sources. 

The requirement is believed to instil hygienic practices and to honour, Allah, the Islamic name for god. 

Islam is not the only culture that has strict codes of practice surrounding food. In the Judaism faith, food must be prepared in accordance with Kocher’s rules. Hindus are not allowed to eat beef, and Buddhists are not allowed to eat meat at all. 

The benefits of eating Halal meat

To qualify as Halal the animals must be raised and treated well throughout their lives. They must also be slaughtered in a humane way. For those that have concerns over animal welfare, eating Halal meat is positive reassurance that the animals are well looked after and slaughtered humanely. 

Over the past few years, society has grown far more conscious about its impact on the world, and the quality of food it consumes. There has been a growing trend leaning toward healthier and organic food options. 

Halal meat bridges this gap because of its requirement not to have harmful chemicals or additives. Halal Origins goes one step further by working only with organic farms that feed their livestock with organic food. This has a big impact on the quality of the meat and its flavour. 

Halal meat is also healthier from another standpoint that is not really talked about: hygiene. Since the blood must be completely drained, there are fewer bacteria, which lowers the risk of disease. After the pandemic, it is much easier to appreciate the importance of this. 

How to ensure you are eating Halal meat

In the UK, all farms that offer Halal meat must be approved by the Halal Food Authority (HFA). You can find their logo on meat products and trace the farms to verify that your supplier is indeed certified as Halal. 

Most people tend to buy their Halal meat from cultural suppliers that they trust and are confident will respect their religious beliefs. This is normally because they too are from the Islamic faith. This is not always easy because Halal suppliers tend only to exist where there are high concentrations of Islamic people, i.e. if there is a strong Islamic community. 

Halal Origins has been established to solve this problem. Now, you can order your Halal meat from anywhere in the country and guarantee delivery by the following day, if you order before 4pm. 

Why else is it important to buy Halal meat?

Buying Halal meat helps you to be inclusive. It means that your Islamic friends can always feel comfortable and welcome to eat with you when they visit your home. You are of course under no obligation to buy Halal meat if you do not practice the Islamic faith, but this is precisely what will win you the respect of your Islamic friends. That’s because they will know that you value and respect them, and their beliefs.

Cooking Halal meat

You can cook Halal meat in the same way you would cook ordinary meat – just make sure to fully drain the blood. There are lots of recipes for meat dishes. If you are curious about middle-eastern food, check out our other blogs (coming soon) for some of our favourite dishes.