In the modern world, we too often make decisions based on convenience, especially where our diet is concerned. Our next go-to is enjoyment, which often includes fast and processed foods. We have all been told to avoid processed foods, especially meat, but are they really that bad for us?

Today, we are going to take a closer look to see how much a ‘good thing’ really is bad for you. Hopefully, we can draw a line so we can enjoy our favourite foods and flavours without compromising our health, and fill the gaps with healthier alternatives. A win-win for all.

But what is processed meat? Read on to find out more. 

What is processed meat?

Believe it or not, the definition of processed food is quite broad and includes a much wider category of food than you might have first thought, but of course, not all processed foods are equal.

The definition of processed food is, “any food that has been altered during its preparation”.

On the lighter end of the scale, we are talking about simply adding salt and sugar as a preservative or even sauces. This includes cans of baked beans, tinned fruit, and even tuna. 

Food items that have further and less natural additions including chemical preservatives, emulsifiers, synthetic flavouring, etc, rank higher on the processed scale. But, the scale goes further. Some foods go through a variety of processes including cooking or part cooking, mincing and combining ingredients from a variety of sources, and adding or taking away fat content.

Essentially, any food or its ingredients that have gone through some kind of ‘process’ will be considered processed food, even if it’s natural and healthy. Think of smoking meat or fish, and sun-dried tomatoes. Healthy, but processed. 

Like it or not, the majority of the food that we consume today will be processed on some level, unless you buy raw ingredients and make the dish from scratch.

That said, Halal Origins wants to help you understand this topic better so you can make healthier informed decisions. 

Common processed meats 

Let’s consider some of your favourite dishes to see how they rank on the processed scale. In each case, we will try and recommend a healthier alternative. 


Salami is known for its tangy and spicy flavour. It’s a fan favourite in European breakfasts and makes for an awesome sandwich ingredient. But, it is quite processed, especially when it includes mixed meats and flavouring. 

Salami uses fermentation of the meat as a way of extending its shelf-life and it is sometimes cured with salt or smoked. It is often high in saturated fat and the World Health Organisation considers it a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning it is known to cause or contribute to cancer growth. 

You can still enjoy salami occasionally, but it may be worth opting for a healthier alternative, like our gluten-free spicy beef sausages. They are packed with flavour, free from pesticides, and are sourced from local farms that put the animal’s welfare first. 


Ham has been a staple in the British diet for as long as butchers have existed. It has become so popular that this simple ingredient has fallen into the processed category, just to keep up with demand.

As with most things, not all ham is equal. There are premium hams available that consist of little more than the fresh, chicken, beef, or turkey that you enjoy, with little more than added salt or being smoked. Unfortunately, the majority of ham consumed is much more heavily processed, including injecting it with brine and curing it with other preservatives. Like salami, it is categorised as a Group 1 carcinogen. 

Instead, why not try our Angus beef minute steaks? They are simple to prepare and make great sandwiches. They are organic and packed with nutrition. 

Beef jerky 

Beef jerky is a fairly new arrival to the British palate, but is still enjoyed by many. It is quite processed because the beef is cured in a solution to preserve its shelf-life and then it is flavoured with a marinade that consists of salt, sugar, flavours, and sometimes other preservatives like nitrates before being dried and cooked. Nitrates are known to be harmful to humans and this has also made beef jerky a Group 1 carcinogen.

Halal Origins doesn’t believe in compromising on quality, so why not try our organic Angus thin sirloin steaks? They are delicious and healthy and you can eat them guilt-free. 

Hot dogs

Now we all know that BBQs, kid’s parties, and even a big sporting event are not complete with a good old-fashioned hot dog. Their delicious aroma and even the messy feel of ketchup and mustard running down your face is a joyful experience. 

Unfortunately, most hot dogs are highly processed, especially if you buy them from stools that sell the frankfurter kind. Even the supermarket variety is highly processed as manufacturers have had to innovate to produce these sausages on an industrial scale. 

The selected meats, which come in all varieties, beef, chicken, turkey and pork, are ground minced and mixed. Salt and other preservatives are often added to extend shelf life, and then the meat is squirted from a high-pressure chamber into cellulose casings. The sausages are then part-cooked at a low temperature to prevent spoiling and then cooled to be packaged. 

We wouldn’t dare suggest anyone give up sausages, but the mass-produced versions are highly processed and carry the same health warnings as other processed meats, so it is worth investing in high-quality ingredients that you can trust. 

Check out our range of organic sausages. They are prepared on-site by our specialist butchers, who source our stock from local farms. We do not put any preservatives or chemicals into your food, so you can be sure that everything you eat is both delicious and good for you.

We have a variety of flavourings, which are prepared with natural herbs and spices. Now, that’s what you call a hot dog.  


Must read: Halal Origin’s Gluten-Free Burgers and Sausages, A Must For Everyone


Much like hot dogs, burgers have become a fan favourite at BBQs, and kid’s parties, and almost every diner or restaurant will have a burger offering. Burgers may well be the most consumed meat nationwide. Fast-food chains exist entirely around burgers, which is untrue of any of the other meals we are discussing today. 

That said, we won’t ask you to turn your back on your beloved treat, but instead encourage you to consider the quality of your choice. Good quality burgers are not highly processed, but to meet mass demand, supermarkets and fast-food chains include unnatural preservatives. 

But, do not fret, we have you covered. Check out our range of organic burgers. We have a selection to suit every pallet, including flavoured, plain, gluten-free, and with a variety of meats, including beef, lamb, and chicken.   

Final Thoughts

Food not only serves to sustain us but also for our enjoyment. Much can be said about which of those we do or ought to prioritise, but here at Halal Origins, we believe in balance, so we do not compromise on quality to give you a healthy meal. 

We have a wide range of organic meat products that will elevate your dishes to a level of culinary perfection, all the while ensuring that you have peace of mind when it comes to your health. 

Remember, you are what you eat, so show yourself some love and choose quality over quantity.