There is no denying, everyone loves a good sausage. A full-English breakfast is incomplete without it; they put the hot into dogs, and they put the banger into mash. 

We all remember the excitement when the school canteen served sausages; there is just something about the sound of the sizzling fat that arouses the eyes, tummy and nose whenever a fresh sausage is on offer. 

Sausages are not just a modern treat. They have an entire history and every culture has developed its own rendition of the famous sausage. Hell, you could fill a hall with the varieties that exist today and that’s a sausage-fest that most people won’t want to miss out on. 

This blog will explore some of the history and origins of the infamous sausage and we hope that this will deepen your appreciation for this revered treat. 

Sausage origins

The word sausage originated in Northern France and comes from the phrase ‘salsicus’, which means ‘seasoned with salt’. The word sausage was first used in the UK in the 15th century, but it was spelt sawsyge. 

The earliest sausages 

Sausages have a long and storied history, going all the way back to ancient Rome. The earliest sausages were made by stuffing minced meat into animal intestines and boiling them. This method was used to both preserve the meat and add flavour. Over time, sausages were enhanced with other ingredients like herbs and spices that added flavour and extended their shelf life. It is also believed that spices were used to conceal mild spoiling of the meat. 

Flavoured sausage’s popularity spread beyond Europe, which sparked creativity in the flavours created by different cultures. This accounts for the various styles seen around the world today. 

Sausages became so popular that they were mass-produced in industrial factories. These factories utilized different methods, such as curing and smoking to make even more flavorful sausages with longer shelf lives. The production of sausages evolved even further with various types of casings for the meat filling, which allowed more meat to be included in each sausage, and was more resilient to ingredients like wine that add flavour but corrode thinner casings.  

Sausages have invaded foreign lands 

Migration has been practised since the beginning of time. When modern migrants ventured into distant lands they took their sausage recipes with them. 

German immigrants brought their beloved bratwursts to America in the 1800s and due to their affordability compared with other cuts of meat, they quickly became a favourite among working-class people. 

This gave rise to Hot Dogs, which took American culture by storm and became the go-to snack sold during sporting events. They were originally called “dachshund sausages”. In fact, some of the most popular hot dog toppings today such as mustard and ketchup are a homage to this German cuisine that followed migrants.

The Italians shared their salami and mortadella recipes with the world, while Spain is famous for its spicy chorizo and morcilla recipes. 

The United Kingdom also has its own distinct version called bangers and mash, which consists of sausages served with mashed potatoes, and onions with gravy.


Must read: Bangers and Mash, Banging


Even further east, Japan has its own range of sausages from classic yakisoba to modern okonomiyaki versions.

Cyprus and Greece share their traditional recipes called Loukanika and Bastouma, which are spicy and fortified with red wine.

Final thoughts

Today, an incredible variety of sausages are available from around the world that cater to diverse tastes. Be it breakfast, lunch or dinner—it’s clear that this tasty treat will never lose its appeal!

It is highly unlikely that you will ever go to a summer BBQ that doesn’t offer sausages. Kids and adults are equally excited about them. 

From its humble beginnings of antiquated cultures to its worldwide popularity today, sausages are an incredibly versatile food that has stood the test of time. Whether you prefer traditional varieties or something more modern and eclectic, there is truly something for everyone with this delicious dish. 

So next time you indulge in some savoury sausage goodness, take a moment to appreciate its long history—you might just find yourself enjoying it even more.

Halal Origins has its own range of organic, halal sausages made with chicken, beef, or lamb. They are flavoured with a variety of herbs and spices to treat every pallet. 

So, don’t hold back and order some of our delicious sausages today.