Meat brings so much goodness to the table that we often take its dietary value for granted. Bursting with aroma and flavour, it is hardly surprising that we are so distracted by our senses. Perhaps it’s time we give credit where it’s due and take a closer look at the rich reserve of minerals, vitamins and amino acids that contribute to our health and well-being. 

You might think that you’ve heard it all before, but today, we are going to explore the less-travelled terrains of chicken liver and heart, commonly known as ‘offal’. These tiny organs pack a nutritional punch that offers more nutrition gram for gram than, well, most things you will ever eat.

We are not just comparing its nutritional profile to other cuts of meat – but across the board. Offal could be the answer to your nutritional prayers, making these ingredients a superpower food that’s both cheap and easy to prepare.

Now, we know it comes with a catch, but a miner one – it has a strong taste that not everyone appreciates, but that’s where your creativity steps in. A little flavouring goes a long way, so to help you on your offal journey, we have prepared a nice recipe that everyone can enjoy. 

Why does it matter? 

Nutrition matters for natural growth and development when you are young and healthy maintenance of bones and muscles as we age. No one can deny the benefits of eating a healthy diet and it is highly encouraged by medical professionals the world over. Much of the world’s health crisis can be put down to and resolved through diet.

It is not only science that promotes healthy eating, it is also a religious requirement to ensure that your food is both nutritious and healthy. In Islam, this law is called Tayyib.  

Tayyib refers to food being pure, healthy and nutritious. It is different from the law of Halal, which requires the food to be slaughtered in a particular way. A lot of emphasis is put on Halal, while Tayyib is often overlooked.

Here at Halal Origins, we respect and value all Islamic principles to ensure that we serve our community in line with God’s values, which reflect our own.

Our Tayyib chicken liver and heart is the perfect dish to ensure that you meet your family’s nutritional needs.

Nutritional profile    

You wouldn’t believe the nutritional value of chicken hearts and livers. Chicken liver has over 23 minerals and in no small proportion. It provides 352% of your daily vitamin B12 levels; 288% of vitamin A; 136% of Riboflavin; 140% of folate; 126% of selenium, and many more.

Chicken heart provides its own unique blend of mineral goodness, including 199% of your daily phosphorus levels; 132% of potassium; 20 milligrams of magnesium and calcium, iron, pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 and more.  

Combine these two treats and you have a nuclear powerhouse of nutrition packed into a single meal. You would be hard-pressed to find a more complete meal for your sustenance.

Must read: A Protein Powerhouse: Why Meat is Essential for Athletes and Gym Goers.


The Underestimated Superfoods

All in all, chicken livers and hearts are a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. Rich in protein yet surprisingly lean, these organ meats are perfect for those who prioritise low calories with a good source of protein.

Their high iron content marks them as formidable allies against anaemia, providing a much-needed energy boost without the calorie overload of carbohydrates or fats. This makes them an excellent choice for health-conscious diners and gym-goers who won’t compromise on quality and flavour.

So, don’t repeat the mistakes of many by overlooking this nutritious Tayyib dish. Try our awesome recipe below and discover the wonders of a healthy meal that tastes pretty damn awesome. 

Chicken Hearts and Liver Paprikash

Just saying the word Paprikash when offering a meal to guests and friends will make you sound distinguished and exotic. Little do they know the ease of preparing this dish, but fret not, they will be equally impressed by its depth of flavour and now you can show off your nutritional knowledge. 


  • 500g chicken hearts and liver, cleaned and halved
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 bell pepper, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons paprika – preferably a mix of sweet and smoked
  • 400g can of diced tomatoes
  • 300ml chicken broth
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped for garnish
  • Sour cream, to serve


  1. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic, sautéing until they have softened.
  2. Increase the heat to medium-high, adding the chicken hearts and liver to the pan. Cook the meat until it browns lightly on all sides.
  3. Stir in the bell pepper and paprika and cook for another couple of minutes until the spices are fragrant.
  4. Pour in the diced tomatoes and chicken broth to bring the mixture to a simmer. Keeping the skillet uncovered (no lid), reduce the heat and allow the mixture to gently bubble for around 20 minutes or until the sauce thickens.
  5. Season with salt and pepper to your desired taste. Serve the dish hot, garnished with fresh parsley, alongside a dollop of sour cream.
  6. And, Boom! There you have it, a delicious dish for you to enjoy with your guests. 

Final Thoughts

This dish, without exception, will always deliver quality flavour and nutrition that other dishes just can’t compete with. Whether you are a gym enthusiast or just someone who likes to stay on top of their nutrition, our chicken liver and hearts will satisfy your every need.

More than this, our Tayyib chicken liver and heart offerings satisfy your religious requirement and go some way to make up for the dishes that don’t. So, waste no time and introduce this nutritional powerhouse into your diet today.