When it comes to preparing meals and storing food, few things are as important as preserving the quality and safety of our ingredients, particularly meat which can spoil very quickly. The risks associated with eating meat that has spoilt can be quite bad for our health. Food poisoning is an obvious example. One of the best ways to preserve meat is by freezing it or buying it frozen.

Some people prefer to only eat fresh meat that hasn’t been frozen due to myths about nutrient loss or decreased quality, but the reality is that freezing meat can actually have a number of benefits. In this article, we'll go over why freezing meat can be a smart choice for both your health and your wallet.

At Halal Origins, we supply both fresh and frozen meat, giving you the benefit of choice. We value your safety and respect your need for high-quality meat and this article aims to help you understand how to get the most out of your meat consumption.

Benefits of Freezing Meat

Freezing meat preserves its texture and flavour while preventing nutrient loss. This is because freezing meat rapidly halts the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that cause spoilage and break down the meat's nutrients. While leaving meat in the fridge also slows down the rate of bacteria growth, it does not do so enough to prevent spoilage or nutrient loss - it merely prolongs the meat’s usable life by a matter of days when compared to leaving the meat at room temperature.

Frozen meat is typically the same quality as fresh meat because it is the same product. Any perceived loss in quality is unlikely to be noticed once the meat is cooked. That is to say, it is unlikely that you would be able to discern between two servings of meat, where one of them was frozen.

How Long Can You Store Frozen Meat?

There are varied views with regard to how long you can or should store frozen meat, but this will largely depend on the quality of your meat during the time of freezing, the quality of your freezer, and indeed the temperature settings used.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the food safety and inspection body across the water in America, meat stored below 0 degrees will always be safe to eat.

While that may be true, there are some important guidelines to follow to ensure that you're storing meat safely and that it remains at optimal quality. Generally, frozen meat can be stored for several months, with some types of meat lasting longer than others. For example, beef and lamb can be frozen for up to a year, while chicken will generally last around six to nine months.

Remember, it's important that you always check the integrity and quality of frozen meat before cooking with it, and that thawed meat should be used within a day or two to avoid any contamination.

If you follow these guidelines, you should always be left with high-quality meat that is safe to eat.

Is Frozen Meat Cheaper Than Fresh Meat?

One of the biggest advantages of freezing meat is that it can be significantly cheaper than buying fresh meat - especially if you buy in bulk. In the UK, frozen meat can be up to 50% cheaper than its fresh counterpart, which can be a major benefit for those on a tight budget or buying meat for large families. Additionally, buying meat in bulk and freezing it can allow you to take advantage of economies of scale, where the cost per unit decreases as the quantity purchased increases

Another benefit of buying or storing frozen meat is that you protect yourself and indeed your family from any food shortages, which have presented themselves several times over the past few years. If you consider how world events can bring sudden shortages, like the pandemic, war, bird flu, and supply chain issues, it is always wise to have a reserve to turn to. You can look at your freezer as a food-savings account.


Finally, there are a number of benefits to buying meat in bulk and freezing it for later use. Not only can it save you money, but it can also make meal planning and preparation a breeze. When you have a freezer stocked with frozen meat, you can easily defrost what you need for a particular meal or recipe without worrying about having to run to the grocery store every time you want to cook something. Additionally, buying meat in bulk can be a more sustainable choice, as it can reduce wastage and help minimize the environmental impact of meat production.

Final Thoughts

Overall, freezing meat can be a great way to preserve quality, flavour, and nutrient content, while also saving money and reducing waste. By understanding how long you can store frozen meat, choosing the right types of meat to freeze, and taking advantage of economies of scale, you can eat well for less and enjoy delicious, healthy meals at home.

Halal Origins supplies only the finest quality ingredients, both fresh and frozen. By ordering through us, you guarantee that your meat comes from local farms that place a high value on letting their animals grow to full maturity, ensuring that they are nutrient-dense and packed with flavour.

If you are living on a tighter budget or you have a busy lifestyle, check out our frozen options. They will save you time and money without compromising on quality.

If you order before 3 pm today, you can have your favourite cuts of frozen meat by tomorrow, whether you want lamb, beef or chicken, Halal Origins has you covered (in gravy).