Contact us

If you have a query about an order please ensure you quote your order number so we can deal with your enquiry efficiently.

Name is required.
Email address is required.
Telephone number is required.
A message is required.
You must complete the captcha.

Other ways to get in touch

  020 8050 4512 or 07385 789 391

Halal Origins
12 Russell Hill Road
Russell Hill
United Kingdom

Halal Origins provides its services exclusively online, but don’t let that stop you from reaching out if you have any questions or ideas on how we can improve our service to you – we always welcome your feedback.

Please allow 24 hours for an initial response because we are a small team and we dedicate most of our time to operations to ensure you receive a smooth service first time round.

Most of the answers to your questions can be found in our FAQs, but if you don’t find what you’re looking for, do get in touch.

If your enquiry is urgent, you can call us on 0208 050 4512 or 07385 789 391.